Kavitha 1“Namaste Didi!”, two words that always melted my heart when little Prince greeted me each morning. This was followed by smiles and waves from Harshit before going up to meet his friends. The ever talkative Aspak, the super enthusiastic Naitik, Sneha the diva and Rishabh the tiny potato… These are the kids, among others, who made me want to be a regular volunteer at SAMADHAN.

To be around these children is like hanging out with a bunch of fun rebels who are free-spirited as well as extremely loving and caring. The staff at SAMADHAN are the most dedicated bunch of people I’ve come across. A lot of hard work, time and efforts are put in by each of the staff members, at all levels, with an intention of making a positive difference in the lives of these children. The smiles and progress of these kids is all they care about. They celebrate even the tiniest progress of every child who joins the SAMADHAN family.

As a volunteer, I can vouch that this is place where you are given the freedom to get creative and, in the process, you can learn a lot from them. Be it special education, therapy training, creative movement sessions or even administration, the experience gained in SAMADHAN is immense and the best. Practical, hands-on experience – it cannot get better than this. I learnt a lot from the staff as well as the children and yes, I evolved as a person in the process.

I’ve been a volunteer for SAMADHAN for more than three years now, helping them out in different ways. Whenever I get the opportunity, am always excited to go the centre to meet these darlings. If you are looking for an organization which will not only give you a rich work experience but is also true to its cause, then SAMADHAN is the place to be. You will not only help in transforming the lives of these children but also see a transformation in yourself, counting every little thing as a blessing.

A big THANK YOU to SAMADHAN for this opportunity. It goes without saying that I’ll be your Forever Volunteer!

Administrative Office

Samadhan, Centre for Human Resources
Sector 2, Pocket 2,
Dwarka, New Delhi - 1100 75

+91-11-2507 3137
+91-11- 45516693
+91-74284 50880

Registered Office

Samadhan, Centre for Human Resources
F-Block Main Park, Sector-V,
Dakshinpuri, New Delhi - 110 062

+91-11-2905 4367

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